Monday, June 20, 2011

"I'm Busy"

What's ironic is that this blog entry was suppose to happen last Friday, but I "got" too busy. Isn't that how life is sometimes? Our lives just come sweeping by fast with commitments to other activities, work, routines, etc. and we often wonder where the time went? It's already close to midnight :-p

This blog entry explains how to make volunteering a priority - or at least a goal ;)

In today's society, volunteering isn't priority. In fact, often times, when I've participated in disaster recovery or coordinating events, you can bet you'll hear "We need more volunteers" uttered frequently. Some people help, but many more people could.

Most people think, "Oh, there's enough people to help" or "even if I don't help, there's other people out there that will"

But, why not BE the 1, too?

This is my challenge to readers out there, that may be "too busy" to volunteer:

 - Instead of mowing your lawn, go volunteer for 2 hours.

 - Instead of going to a happy hour, skip it this week and go volunteer for an hour.

 - Instead of sleeping in on Saturday, get up bright and early....and volunteer for several hours.

 - Instead of playing on Facebook or Twitter ;-) go volunteer for a half day in a natural crises, disaster.

Assume that help is needed. Don't make being  "too busy" an excuse. Volunteer to help someone or an organization in need -- > today.  :)

BE the 1.  Check out the Volunteer Corner and register right now (stop reading this blog!!)


Karlys said...

Excellent advice!

My department is involved in a Habitat for Humanity project, and to be able to take part despite my two jobs I've signed up for two Saturday morning shifts. ALL of us have time in our schedules no matter how busy we may be, but sometimes it may take making a priority of volunteering and actually scheduling it into our lives.

Danielle Teal said...

Karlys, I'll be making a blog entry soon about how companies can support and advocate volunteering through flexible schedules and donating their employees hours!

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