Monday, November 21, 2011

Give Thanks

Appreciating what we have in a comedic perspective. Louis CK (comedian) went on Conan and talked about how we just don't appreciate what we have nowadays. While his view is a bit...rash and blunt :) I think it gets the point across.

"Everything is amazing right now and nobody's happy".

"You're sitting in a chair, in the SKY." lol.

Sometimes we just need to sit back and start listing out the wonderful people, experiences, health, love, support, etc. we have in our lives...When we do this, even when times are tough, we truly realize how much we do have, even when it seems like things may not be going our way....or that we can't get internet access on a plane. ;-)

Give of yourself selflessly this week to someone that might need help. Give thanks today to someone thats maybe helped you. Give thanks that you're alive!

Thanks for being the 1 <3


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