Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Be Inspired.

Inspire: To motivate. To ignite feelings that compel the heart and mind.

I kept thinking about this topic for a month (or so), knowing it would be a tough blog entry and wanting it to be perfect. Inspiring others to action can be challenging. Why? Putting the words out in a blog is easy but motivating others to take action…’s up to the reader in the end. <3

So. This blog entry is about inspiring you. All of you. The reader. The mom who’s running errands and kids all over town. The young professional who works all day and just wants to get to a happy hour. The teenager who’s thinking about going to the movies with friends. The top executive who can’t leave the office and the only thing in the horizon is another day of busy work. The list goes on. <3


This is personal for me (hence the yearning to have it perfect) because I very much want people to help each other. I very much want people to have a thought for acts of kindness at the forefront.  I want people to think beyond their comfortable bubbles. Their regular schedules. I want it to be apart of everyday life where we all ask “What have I done today to help a friend, a stranger, a neighbor, etc. Are we doing enough?” There’s a whole world out there still untouched and I firmly feel that if we all contributed and did our own acts of kindness – there would be no more hurt and only more love. When you help others, you help yourself too <3.

"Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work."  Mother Teresa

Our Be the 1 Family, Cristina Zabel said “Being the One doesn't have to stop us if we have family of youngsters, it just means we have to be creative in our search of the place(s) that needs our talents. We may not be able to do it every week, but if we help once a month, that is 12x more a year than it we were did it last year.”

Cristina also said “I wish I could tell you that the giving part felt the best, but honestly, the best part as a mom was the memory with my boys on Saturday in the kitchen and their laughter. Then when my husband came home and the light in their eyes when they told him.”

Cristina, your family warmed my heart (and I’m sure many others) YOU inspire me. Thank you for your act of kindness. Imagine the appreciation and heartfelt gratitude from those at the Ronald McDonald House & Gift of Life Transplant House when they received the bread you and your children baked.
Be creative. Be inspired. Be the 1. What can you do today to touch the lives of someone who needs help? If you're already touching lives, is it enough? Can you do more? Don’t wait for tomorrow. Or the next day. Or the next day. I challenge you to have it in your foremost thoughts and do it now in as much capacity as you can. 

If you have a story to share of your act of kindness or show how you volunteered, please send me an email or post a comment and I’ll share it in a blog entry. (if you're already "being the 1" I want to hear from you too!)

Thank you for reading <3 and “Being the 1”


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