Friday, September 30, 2011

Good Deed Story: "No, really I AM THE 1"

[Editor note: A story submitted by a friend of mine in Rochester, Minnesota - powerful story ~ You wont be able to stop reading it. BJP, thanks for being the 1. ~ Danielle Teal]

Before I dive into my pay-it-forward moment, I feel the urge to tell you a little about myself in the hopes that it will inspire a few of you average Joes out there.

First off, my name is ... nah, I can’t tell you that. It’s irrelevant ;-)

In a nutshell, I’m your average dude. I fully embrace my dorky side, while behind closed doors. I like to come off uber cool in public; I usually fail miserably.

If you can’t already tell, I joke a great deal. To be honest, I’m rarely serious. If I’m talking, chances are I’m being sarcastic. Terrible, right?!

Despite any painted-on facade, at the root of it all is an enormous heart. I truly believe that (not just trying to inflate my ego). I will do anything for my friends. Actually, I usually do anything for anybody.

If someone is my friend, I never ask them to pay me back. Ever. What’s mine is theirs. And if they don’t pay me back, oh well.

I care too much sometimes. I worry about other people’s comfort more than my own. I hold the door for everyone, even if it means waiting an extra few seconds. I’d rather inconvenience myself before inconveniencing anyone else.

So I’ve got this huge heart, but I also have a problem. I’m super lazy. I don’t volunteer like I should. Ever really (gosh, I did all the time when I was in college and high school). I don’t help strangers as often I should. I’ve got a gift for making people laugh, and I should put that to use, in hospitals or nursing homes or wherever.

I have no other excuse — LAZINESS! Terrible, I’m aware. But it’s the truth. I’ll be more inspired someday, I promise.

So, I hope that sets a bit of a stage for you.

What I did a week ago last Monday was out of character in one sense, and completely in character in another.

But I will say this — I never would have done it if I hadn't come into contact with the dork who’s associated with this blog. Without even knowing it, she inspired me. She’s made me a better person already ... and that’s what this is all about.

So, a week ago Monday, some friends (and their kids) and I went out to Whistle Binkies to celebrate a new chapter in my life.

It was Mystery Beer night, ya’ll!!! (LEGGO!)

(I’m such a loser — the single guy hanging out with his “couple” friends and their kids ... but I love kids, and you know, mystery beers.)

At about 9 p.m., an elderly couple walked in and sat at a corner table. My first thought was, “Dude, why are these old people out at like 9 p.m.??? My aunt and uncle go to bed at like 8.”

I’m a dedicated people watcher, so I noticed them right away. The old guy was the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. Adorable suspenders. You could tell he got dressed up for their night out.

One thing was obvious — they were in love. And if I’m even half that in love at their age, I’m winning ...

So the adorable couple ordered beers and eventually their food came. (I’m assuming at this point little children are climbing all over me, but I’m still watching the old couple out of the corner of my eye.)

When our check came, it hit me.

Pay it forward.

Seriously, the cutest old couple ever ... so why not, right? I mean, the guy had me as soon as I saw his suspenders.

So when our waiter came to collect my check, I pulled him aside. I said, “Hey, I’d like to pay for that couple’s meal. But you CAN’T tell them who did it. Is that cool?”

The waiter was shocked at first, but he agreed.

So I paid for my meal and the couple’s meal.

I did it all quietly, so most of my table (minus one joker) didn’t hear what was going on. They all found out later when said joker informed them, but I’ll get back to that in a bit.

When the waiter brought the receipts back for me to sign, it was a done deal.

I was lucky in that I was able to listen to their reaction when the waiter informed them their bill was taken care of.

The woman’s hands went over her mouth. They resisted. And they begged the waiter to tell them who had done it. But my man stood strong.

I was smiling inside ... and that smile grew when I heard the woman trying to guess who had done it. Her first thought — some of their friends from back home in North Dakota.

Why did that make me smile more? Because, seriously, how good are these people to their friends? I mean, I’m great to my friends, but if someone paid for my meal, I would never guess friends from home had done it!! Just sayin’ ...

Silly? Maybe. But it just drove home the point in my mind.

So, why did I do this? To make myself feel better? Well, I hope not. Did it make me glow? Yes, but I like to think of that as a byproduct of this.

In all the randomness of life, many things hit me that night. The first was ... someone has inspired me, so let’s see if I can inspire someone else.

And I know I did that night. More than one person, actually.

First up, I hope it inspired the couple. I know it made them smile, so that’s a win right there.

I also know it inspired the waiter. Because when I was walking out the door, he grabbed me and told me that was the coolest thing he’d ever seen (I hope that really wasn’t the COOLEST thing, because that would be kind of sad).

And it also inspired one of the couples at my table. They learned what was going on, and their mouths dropped open. I’m going to save the story about how it inspired them for a future post, because I’m getting long-winded here.

This was something simple, and yet it went so far. It didn’t cost me much. And yeah, I’m super broke right now, but I’d do it again every day of the week and twice on Sunday (blatant ‘A Few Good Men’ ripoff).

Sometimes we make life seem so complicated. BUT you can change the world, with each act of kindness.

I really believe it’s that simple. Your kindness WILL lead to more kindness. You might not see it today or tomorrow. But someday, the dominoes will fall, and you’ll be able to smile, knowing you made a difference.

Every day, when you get out of bed, you have three options: Do nothing. Be inspired. Inspire.

Choose wisely. Many days, I don’t ... that whole lazy thing kicks my rear end sometimes.

Just remember, this world owes you nothing. But I truly believe you deserve the love you give the world. So give a lot!

BJP wanted me to put a pic of Bradley Cooper instead
of a pic of himself. haha. ~ Danielle

PS - I like to live by this motto, for better or worse ... let kindness be the torch that guides you through the darkest times of your life.


MakinItwithGrace said...

Stumbled upon your blog by accident. Okay. Not really. Came here via Taste of Rochester re: a blog for Volunteering (ironic you should be saying how you don't volunteer like you should. You should start looking at the glass as half full than empty. Okay, I will stop lecturing you. It's the tiger mom in me coming out.)

ANYWAYS: Just wanted to commend you on your act of kindness. It made my day. Rochester is a better place because of you!

Danielle Teal said...

MakinItwithGrace, thanks so much for your comment! BJP's story really is inspiring. Each of us can do so much with such little actions :)

((neck hug))

The Carters said...

What a great story!! Thank you BJP for being the one!

Danielle Teal said...

Thank you for your comment, Ms. Carter! <3

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