Thursday, September 15, 2011

What have you done for me lately?

Some humans ;-) walk around like the universe owes us. But, does it really?

Wouldn't the world be a different place if we all felt we owed the universe?

I think we have this question --> "What have you done for me lately?" ingrained in our minds from the very point of existence. 

It's difficult to change that concept of thinking. It's human nature to be "selfish".

But. We should change that way of thinkin'.

And we can.

Try this question: "What have I done for others lately?".

Kind scary, huh? Because it removes ourselves and our own complete wants from the equation. When we do for others, we may lose some of our own time....our own monies....our own strength....we give a little or all of ourselves.

What do we get out of all this? (see. human selfish tendancy! of course we're going to want to know what's in it for us)

My answer. So much more then when we're in it to win it all for ourselves.

It's worth it. Why? Because not only does thinking and doing for others help another person, it opens our hearts up to helping ourselves in the long run.

Ask a volunteer for "Running Start for Schools" how they felt when a child passed through and picked up school supplies they couldn't afford. Look at how an adult who cannot afford food that goes through the food shelf and the look of relief on their face. Watch an elderly person who needed help with their lawn and had a crew show up to save them the strength. Listen to a baby laugh as their parents show and play with new toys they otherwise wouldn't have been able to afford.

If you haven't already, start today - do somethin':

  • Give flowers to someone that needs to smell 'em
  • Write an anonymous note to someone who needs to hear it
  • Bring candy/ or something healthy to your office for your coworkers
  • Help your neighbor with a project
  • Let someone know that you appreciate them
  • Serenade a friend (ok, this might be excessive but would really like to hear that someone did this. Videotape and send it to me!! haha)
  • Click on the Volunteer corner of this blog and give of your time to an opportunity at United Way  
  • Become a mentor for 2011-2012 STRIVE Program
Boom. Shake up the world today. Be the 1.


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